Sun House in the Lower Mill Estate is the most-easily customizable property from Habitat First Group, and its name does not lead anyone astray. This four-bed, mezzanine, open-plan property is completely fronted by large-pane glass. Coupled with the split mezzanine living area and the resulting high ceilings, this has a tremendously expanding effect on the home’s interior.
This design won Best Small House at the British Homes Awards
The spaciousness of the living area is nothing short of impressive. The light, warm colours used to finish each of the rooms are all tastefully chosen, and give the property a very tranquil, but very modern feel. The open-plan layout almost feels like it is setting up visitors for the views that the huge vaulted glass wall offers. This is something to be witnessed, not described second-hand. Watching the sun rise and gradually sweep across the entire interior is something that will lurk in the memory for years to come. For the lucky few of us able to invest in one of these properties, it is something that can be experienced for weeks on end.

Lower Mill Estate – Sun House
This design won Best Small House at the British Homes Awards in 2012. As one would expect, such a home cannot be properly described in words. An owner can truly put their mark on Sun House, making a visit absolutely essential. There is no other way to engage the imagination and make it clear just how much is possible with this stunning property.
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